1. What is the historical context for the educational and cultural environments I will be working in?
2. What are the different racial and class perspectives I will encounter and engage during this project?
3. What is an appropriate structure for service learning that will set the pace for completing a successful project?
1. Which methods and materials can be used to express the inner voice of the community?
2. How can I apply the processes used by professional artists to my own art making?
3. How can the Principles of Attitudinal Healing help me build a constructive artist community that will help me strengthen my art skills.
1. How can I create genuine and practical works of art that represent me and my community?
2. How can I connect my own experiences with those of the community members I will be working with?
3. How can I build resilience and leadership for myself and community?
4. What are my personal values and responsibilities to my core community?
5, How can I use my art skills and practices to address the needs of my community?
1. How can I apply the 12 Principles of Attitudinal Healing to my community work as well as my studio process?
2. What are my personal strengths that I can offer to my peers and my community?
3. How does my attitude and self-esteem reflect the way I would like others to see and engage with me?