Wednesday, December 30, 2009

 1. What is the historical context for the educational and cultural environments I will be working in?
2. What are the different racial and class perspectives I will encounter and engage during this project?
3. What is an appropriate structure for service learning that will set the pace for completing a successful project?

1. Which methods and materials can be used to express the inner voice of the community?
2. How can I apply the processes used by professional artists to my own art making?
3. How can the Principles of Attitudinal Healing help me build a constructive artist community that will help me strengthen my art skills.

1. How can I create genuine and practical works of art that represent me and my community?
2. How can I connect my own experiences with those of the community members I will be working with?
3. How can I build resilience and leadership for myself and community?
4. What are my personal values and responsibilities to my core community?
5, How can I use my art skills and practices to address the needs of my community?

1. How can I apply the 12 Principles of Attitudinal Healing to my community work as well as my studio process?
2. What are my personal strengths that I can offer to my peers and my community?
3. How does my attitude and self-esteem reflect the way I would like others to see and engage with me?


  1. Hi, Amana,

    I'm intrigued by your goals. I'd love to know what you did with them. Are you going to post any documentation of your work? I'd love to know what you did!


  2. Hi Amana,
    I really enjoyed seeing some of your students' art pieces and hearing them talk about them in relation to what they learned from the class/experience. I'm also intrigued to know if you revisited your understanding goals and used them as reflection prompts...and if you did, what students said?
    Cheers! Tana
